
New Planter located at Althorne

26 September 2021

If you get off at Althorne station, you will now find a beautiful new planter located in the car park.

At Althorne station car park, there was a parking space which couldn’t be used. So we decided to make use of it and bring some life to the car park!

On a rainy day, the team used various tools, such as a shovel, pickaxe and rake to turf over the old car parking space. We kept digging until we had removed all of the bricks that were buried underneath the soil.

Afterwards, we moved this large wooden planter into the space and started to fill it with soil. This soil was located at the back of Terry’s – our station adopter – garden. This was not an easy task, as we wheelbarrowed dirt back and forth to fill this planter!

Spring bulbs have been added, and we are looking forward to the early flash of colour when they come through.


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